Monday, June 30, 2008

Smart Chart

These are some comps I did way back when for a project called "Start SMART." SMART stood for Students Making Advertisements to Reduce Tobacco use. Part of the program was a workbook where kids had to find existing advertisements that promised to deliver something it couldn't necessarily fulfill. A lot of the art was reviewed by kids. I sat in one of the sessions and it was a real eye opener. I'm not always the most confident when it comes to some of my art, but geez, some of these kids were dense. I figured the kids would be rolling on the floor laughing with the LIES icon..."liar, liar, pants on fire." But the response was more like, "What does a burning pair of jeans have to do with lies?" And they didn't get the star on the sidewalk with the hand prints. As well as, "I don't see what lightning has to do with power." I believe the kids were in 7th grade.

Just another reminder that as a designer/illustrator, I don't always communicate what I think I'm communicating. It's always a the viewer enough credit to be smart enough to figure stuff out vs. beating them over the head with the message.

I still kinda like these little graphics.

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