Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Work Shennanigans

Seems like there's lots of photo play at work. And most of it's mine. I've tortured one coworker by doing stuff with his photo...using Photoshop to put his head on different pictures, did a take off on the "Andre the Giant Has a Posse" stickers (I know, pretty lame, but it was funny because it confused the hell out of him), and the most recent, a giant blow up of his head in black and white tacked up on the bulletin board. It's about 4x6 feet or so. The best they've done to me so far, has been putting my face on the body of the Thing on a Fantastic 4 poster. I wish other people would do more creative non-work related stuff like that. And I suppose I should probably do more work and less goofing off.

A few years ago I stuck my face on a postcard of Bill and Hillary Clinton. Amazes me how many people have been taken in by it. I suppose the crappy scan masks my crappy cut-n-paste job a bit.

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