Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Frustration & Creation

For some reason, this morning I was thinking about frustration and creation. When I was living in Hoboken, I had a tendency to become frustrated with my roommate. In truth, he was and is a great guy. I just wasn't used to having a roommate. The one thing he did that really got under my skin were the midnight cleaning binges. Not that I minded him cleaning, I think he went into some sort of trance or something when he did it. I'd wake up in the morning and a stack of mail I hadn't gone through yet would be gone. Or the spare keys to the apartment. I luckily retrieved the TV remote from the trash before it was too late.

One weekend when he was gone, I let out all my frustration by building a giant blue totem beast out of cardboard and acrylic paint. In retrospect, I don't know what I was trying to accomlish by doing it. He came home, opened the door and said, "What the frick is that?" He warmed up to it and it sort of became a conversation piece. When a friend saw it, he said that he'd love to be my roommate if that's the kind of stuff I did every time I got pissed at him.

The blue beast was still standing when I moved out. I never did hear of its fate. Now I'm contemplating a giant cardboard/paper mache robot. I don't have any roommates, so maybe now I'm getting on my own nerves.

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