Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Surreal Spam

More surreal truncated spam. I think they were trying to loan me "$488,000.00 at a 3.67,% fixed-rateA." Unfortunately, I think I missed the deadline.... "these ofers will expre TONIGHT."

go ahead, so that call see you every second. Don't look back and keep your
the stench was coming from himself. The odor was disgusting, but somehow

"It's damp." He put away the flask, chose a sandwich, and set to
and it squeaked distinctly, turning in the light breeze. The mange must have
the soup and started on the pork and beans, and then he could creep out into

how he could have lived for so long in the impenetrable, exitless gloom. He
But when he talked about this, his voice was hearty. You couldn't ignore
thirty or forty yards away.
his lips. "How do you know what we're after here?"

in his teeth, his burnt face gave off heat, and the sweat poured right into
observation. But the stupid orderlies, who had spent their time during the

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